The Times Of India in collaboration with Yatra have arranged a musical trail with the Sufi maestro himself – Dhruv Sangari. Starting with a early morning heritage walk covering spots like – Nizamudin Auliya House, Mirza Ghalib Tomb, Amir Khusrau, Nizzamudin Shrines etc; the walk will take you through the lanes of old Delhi.
The first session begins with an introduction to Sufi prose and poetry with discussions on poets like Maulana Rumi, Amir Khusrau and female Sufi poets like Rabia Basri. The session would interspersed with interaction and poetry reading sessions and discussion on Sufi philosophy. Post lunch session would introduce Sufi music, the tradition of Qawwalis and the popular trends followed by visit to Nizamuddin Dargah. The registration for th walk ends on 27thJan, so hurry!
Price: Rs 1,600 (Pass, including taxes)
For tickets and information, click here