Explore some rich and delcious delicacies from Assam at The Kitchen Of Espion, along with exhibition cum sale of silk items from there. The food menu includes Pitha Laru, Saha as the Bihu special treat, there will be - Aamlokhi Soup ( Goosbeberry soup), Xewali phoor r Xaar( Alkaline dish with Night Jasmine), Pitha guri diya Xaak Pasoli( Boiled vegetables with rice flour ),Outenga diya Maati r dali ( Black lentils cooked with Elephant Apple), Polu ( Silk worm dry fry), Poora Bilahi Chutney ( Roasted Tomato Chutney with Bhoot Jolokia), Sunga t diya Maas ( Fish in Bamboo Hollow), Aloo- Hanh r koni Pitika ( Mashed potato with duck eggs), Boot diya Posola ( Banana stem with Horse gram), Aada roxh diya Maas r Jul ( Fish cooked with Ginger Juice , a winter special), Til diya Gahori Mangxo ( Pork cooked with black sesame seeds), Haanh Kumura ( Duck meat cooked with Ash gourd) and more.
The exhibiton, on the oth hand, would display organic fabrics of Assam ( Mekhla Sador , Eri shawls , Organic stoles). Since the table is limited to 15 sseats, the registration for the event shall close of 12th Janaury.
Price: Rs 1,500 for non vegetarians (Including cover charge)
Rs 950 for vegetarians