Sangeet Natak Akademi presents the eighth India Puppetry Festival - Putul Yatra. The four day festival be featuring contemporary artists from across the country, performing live, including - a special puppeteers presentation under the direction of Dadi Pudmjee; followed by Anokhe Vastra, a contemporary act by Dadi and at 8 pm there will be – Hanuman’s search for Seeta, a traditional shadow puppetry from Tamil Nadu called Tolu Bommalatam, directed by Kalaimani S Seethalakshmi. There will be a live act Raja Satya Harishchandra, a traditional salaki - sutrada gombe atta from Karnataka, Directed by HC Tammanachar Bhagavat.
Furthermore, artists bring the traditional puppetry art form, from West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Assam, to name a few.
For more details, click here
Entry: free