India Foundation for the Arts in collaboration with People Tree Studio presents Madhuja Mukherjee in conversation with Vidyun Sabhaney on a project Lubdhak – The Dog Star. The project explores Nabarun Bhattacharya#39;s novel Lubdhak, through a graphic description, as well as a long length stop motion animation film by Avik Mukhophadyay.
The Novel Lubdhak employs a tale about streets dogs of Kolkata to examine the ability of the oppressed to organize, reject the oppressor and finally render them powerless. It is about a frightening place in Kolkata, where the civic administration destroys all the dogs in the city. As the operation starts, the powerless dogs are hunted and slowly disappear. However, few of them escape and find a way to leave the city. Slowly the city comes down to a great silence as the hunted dogs leave the city.